This is not a real commercial. It is a personal project, Made with love.
Nike x Zero is a collaborative passion project where I explored the seamless integration of 3D and 2D design. Using Houdini, I focused on creating dynamic 3D elements, including modeling, water simulation, texturing, lighting, and animation. I also handled the compositing process to ensure the final visuals were polished and cohesive. Collaborating with Champ Panupong and his team, who contributed their expertise in 2D design, we produced a piece that blends technical precision with creative storytelling.
Credits Creative Director Omid Seraj Champ Panupong Lead 3D Omid Seraj Lead 2D Champ Panupong 2D Designer and animation Champ Panupong Jack Kim Storyboard Miguel Ángel Pérez Evelyn Kandin Geler Junjie Pan Music and SFX Maurício Lobo